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FEMIB 2019 will be held in conjunction with ENASE 2019, ICEIS 2019 and GISTAM 2019.
Registration to FEMIB allows free access to the ENASE, ICEIS and GISTAM conferences (as a non-speaker).


We live in a fast-paced and interconnected world, in which different focuses in businesses are related and dependent on each other. Four emerging areas of business: Finance, Economics, Management and IT Business (FEMIB) are essential for each country, organization, society and individual as follows. Finance is important to the individual, corporate and national wealth, profits and long-term future. Economics can help us understand how the past and current status of the regional, national and global financial performance. Management allows organizations, governments, decision-makers to make their projects and services more structured, efficient, productive and competitive. IT business stands for new trends of development, opportunities and innovation. We believe that only doing well in these four areas, this can ensure each organization, decision-maker, investor, government and country to achieve long-term success and collaboration. Our aim and objective are to bring scientists, practitioners and decision-makers of these four areas together to foster a strong and well-connected community. We welcome innovative ideas, concepts, services, techniques, research outputs and business practices.

Conference Chair

Victor ChangDepartment of Operations and Information Management, Aston Business School, Aston University, United Kingdom


Ruijun BuDepartment of Economics, University of Liverpool, United Kingdom
Mitra AramiUniversity of Applied Sciences Wiener Neustadt, Austria
Patricia BaudierMarketing/Innovation, Ecole de Management Normandie, France

Publicity Chairs

Chantal AmmiInstitut Mines-Télécom Business School, France
Mohamed Abdel-Basset, Zagazig University, Egypt

Keynote Speakers

Mike PapazoglouEuropean Research Institute in Service Science, Tilburg University, Netherlands
Manlio Del GiudiceUniversity of Rome Link Campus, Italy
Muthu RamachandranIntegrated Cloud Solutions, AI Tech North and Public Intelligence, United Kingdom
Gary B. WillsCyber Physical Systems, School of Electronics and Computer Science,, University of Southampton, United Kingdom

Special Sessions

Science and Technology Publications, Lda

All papers presented at the conference venue
will be available at the SCITEPRESS Digital Library
(consult SCITEPRESS Ethics of Publication)

Journal of Knowledge Management

Following the Conference, authors of selected high quality papers
will be advised to submit, after substantial revision and improvement
according to journals' requirements and guidelines, their papers for
regular issue of the JKM journals, where they will undergo the
traditional double blind peer review process.

Expert Systems

A short list of best papers will be invited for
publication of extended and revised versions
in a special issue of the Journal Expert Systems.

Proceedings will be submitted for evaluation for indexing by:
