FEMIB 2019 Abstracts

Area 1 - Accounting and Finance

Short Papers
Paper Nr: 42

Merger & Acquisition: A Comparative Integration Analysis of Third World Country


Zaib Maroof and Muhammad Jawad

Abstract: After globalization, an upsurge in Merger & Acquisition (M&A) activities has been observed all over the globe especially in last decade, as same contributed towards the economic wellbeing of any country. Companies adopted different Integration Strategies (Vertical, Horizontal & Conglomerate) to undergo the merger deals and accordingly their post merger financial performance analysis was documented for future reference. On the contrary, comparatively inadequate evidence is accessible to appreciate the outcome of this activity in Pakistan, which cannot be taken as reference for future M&A deals. Therefore, the present research investigate in a decent way the impact of various M&A Integration Strategies on the financial performance of the merged firms in Pakistan, with an aim to identify the best suited M&A Integration Strategy in own environment. Available data from pre and post merger financial Statements of 36 merger events categorized broadly into three Integration Strategies (year 2000 to 2010) had been examined using paired sample T-test for difference of means of ratio categorized on four basis i.e. Liquidity Ratio, Profitability Ratio, Operating Expense Ratio & Financial Leverage Ratio. Plausible recommendations were solicited for the benefit of the investors, financial analysts, advisory firms and investment banks.

Area 2 - Economics

Full Papers
Paper Nr: 47

Mobile Phone Data Statistics as Proxy Indicator for Regional Economic Activity Assessment


Irina Arhipova, Gundars Berzins, Edgars Brekis, Juris Binde and Martins Opmanis

Abstract: The mobile data analysis is an authoritative source of information for problems solving in the fields of human activity recognition, population dynamics, tourism, transport planning, traffics measuring, public administration and other activities and could be the source for valuable information as a proxy indicator. One of the obstacles to user data from mobile operators is compliance to the General Data Protection Regulation, so the development of data analytics approach that protects personal data without a necessity to identify mobility of particular persons was developed, that still provides economically relevant data. In the present research, the method for the economic activity assessment based on mobile phone data statistics of any analysed region has been developed. The data of person activity was aggregated at the area of each base station by the 15 minutes interval, where the activity is defined as the number of outgoing and incoming calls, sent and received short message service (SMS), as well the number of the unique users. The Latvian counties have used as a case study where regions were grouped into the similar categories and compared for two periods: 2015 – 2016 and 2017 by the economic activity efficiency with particular attention to the seasonality effect for mobile phone activities in counties. It was concluded, that the economic activity of counties can be estimated and in the particular case positive dynamics of regional development has been detected.

Area 3 - Emerging Areas in FEMIB

Short Papers
Paper Nr: 37

Knowledge Basis for Integration of Finance, Economics, Management and IT Business


Maxim Polyakov, Igor Khanin, Nikolai Bormatenko and Sergiy Kosenchuk

Abstract: The problem of integration of finance, economics, management and IT business is the problem of activities’ integration, digitalized with application of IT. Digitization leaves unsolved questions of cognitive activities objects’ integration. This disintegration is partially compensated on the humanitarian level by optimization of subjects’ behaviour. But integration on level of physical and informational objects of activity stays insufficient. The experience convinces that its strengthening is impossible without vertical integration of knowledge about conscious phenomena, and horizontal integration of conscious and natural sciences knowledge. Products of conscious activity are programs and databases. The understanding of their essence led to building of bilateral development models of cognition and economy. On this basis, the vertical of knowledge for spheres of sign phenomena, is built. It contains in its core the paradigm of sign constructions ontology. It is received with method of immersion from concrete to abstract. The result is used for ascending from abstract to concrete. On the way to data infrastructures as flexible “junctions” between fragments of activity, paradigms of data and computer programs are received. Their essence which is called quasi-physical is defined by analogy with computer programs, where signifier and signified have no physical connection but have correspondence.

Area 4 - IT Business

Short Papers
Paper Nr: 44

Policslab: Insights for Supporting Innovation Policies


Sara Laurita, Alfredo Fortunato, Carmelofrancesco Origlia and Mariagrazia Zottoli

Abstract: When defining and updating the Smart Specialisation Strategy, regional policy-makers are called upon to identify territorial avant-gardes and its growth potential through a continuous technological foresight exercise, which takes into account the entire panorama of local research and innovation. Data from official statistics based on international classifications, although very useful, is not sufficient to keep pace with sudden changes affecting local territories as well as external factors that may influence a given territorial policy. Furthermore, the use of new data sources, far from being a simple solution to the need of fresh and granular data, implies tackling numerous methodological challenges. The paper presents the rationality of an information system able to support policy-makers in technological foresight. The model is based on the valorisation of data available from traditional and non-traditional sources as well as the construction of simple and intuitive interpretative tools to measure and predict territorial changes and transformations, which are related to the innovation system of Italian regions.

Paper Nr: 43

South Austrian Seniors “vs.” ICT for Healthcare in AAL Pilot Regions


Daniela Elisabeth Ströckl, Kurt Majcen, Johanna Plattner, Daniela Krainer, Kerstin Löffler, Eva Schuster, Pierre Schaschl and Johannes Oberzaucher

Abstract: The two Austrian AAL pilot regions, RegionAAL in Styria and Smart VitAALity in Carinthia, developed and evaluated technology to empower older adults in their daily living routines. Different aspects like health, information and communication were considered and developed tools like fall detection as well as emergency call functions were designed to enable seniors to live a longer independent life at home. This paper displays first evaluation results of both pilots based on the usage of the user-interaction devices: tablet and smartwatch.

Area 5 - Management

Full Papers
Paper Nr: 20

Computer-supported Active Transparency for Strategic Open Innovation


Emmanuel D. Adamides and Nikos I. Karacapilidis

Abstract: Aiming at facilitating the design and deployment of information systems to support Open Innovation with a potential of providing sustainable competitive advantage, we rely on the micro-foundations of dynamic capabilities, namely on the concepts of framing and abduction that are considered as the main elements of generative sensing. We elaborate the concept of “active transparency” as a step for developing generative sensing through the implementation of computer-supported argumentation in an open innovation setting. In particular, we review the relationship between dynamic capabilities and strategic Open Innovation, we concentrate on active transparency surfacing the important role that argumentation plays in the deployment of this capability, and we discuss the ICT solutions that enable active transparency and open innovation for providing competitive advantage.

Paper Nr: 49

Scientific Foundation of Models: Towards the Complexity of the Agile Business Model


Tomasz Sierotowicz

Abstract: Many concepts of business models (BMs) interfere with strategies. Therefore, it is important to find out how BMs are embedded in the philosophy of science and the theory of management. The goal of this research is to propose a concept of BMs that will be better embedded in the philosophy of science and the theory of management, therefore avoiding interference with strategy concepts and definitions. A literature review regarding BM concepts was conducted to achieve this goal and the results allowed the creation of a new agile business model (ABM) that does not interfere with any concept and definition of strategies. The result leads to theoretical and practical conclusions. The new ABM is open and flexible for use in businesses, specifically knowledge intensive ones like software development enterprises. The ABM is a useful tool that supports business activities without interfering with the other concepts of the theory of management.

Short Papers
Paper Nr: 23

Smart Healthcare and Ethical Issues


Victor Chang, Yi Cao, Taiyu Li, Yujie Shi and Patricia Baudier

Abstract: With the development of Internet of Things (IoT) technologies, the medical field has begun to use this technology to better cover society’s needs. The users’ data can be accurately collected and analyzed, and people can get quite the same level of quality of medical services without shuttling back and forth between hospitals and their homes. Smart healthcare not only reduces the social burden, but it also lowers the financial burden on end users. However, the collection and upload of massive data still have concerning data security risk, which may lead to various ethical problems and endanger the users’ interests. The analysis of ethical issues, can help us to provide users or developers with suggestions and demonstrate the central role played by governments. How to balance the user experiences and ethical security is always a hot topic. The aim of this paper is to review existing literature to present recommendations to balance both the use of IoT technologies or smart healthcare and ethics to deliver accurate smart medical services.

Paper Nr: 24

The Impact of Triple Bottom Line-oriented Environmental Management System on Firms’ Performance in China: Evidence from Yangtze River Delta


Yijie Chen and Youlin Huang

Abstract: This research investigates the impact of Triple Bottom Line oriented Environmental Management System on the firms’ performance in China. This research is going to attempts to compose a conceptual framework to demonstrate how Triple Bottom Line Influence Corporate Social Responsibility activities which it may potential impact firm’s financial performance. This paper will introduce the background of Corporate Social Responsibility at the beginning. It will address the nature of this study in philosophy part in order to point the direction of the research and it will be leading the decision to methodology for this research. This study collected valid 225 sample questionnaire surveys out of 330 respondents. We approved CSR policy is essential for CSR in China by employee AMOS v.21. to test the validity of the Structural Equation Modeling. Our finding implies that the Guanxi effect is not significance as well as the past decades in the implementation of CSR activities and government needs to engage within relevant industry to promote CSR by issue CSR policies. This is the first empirical research to test if Triple Bottom Line oriented Environmental Management System will effect firms’ performance.