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Workshop on Collaborative EU Research Projects - CWEURP 2024

28 - 30 April, 2024 - Angers, France

In conjunction with the 9th International Conference on Internet of Things, Big Data and Security - IoTBDS 2024

Registration to IoTBDS or to any other co-located event allows free access to the workshop.



Victor Chang
Aston Business School, Aston University
United Kingdom
Brief Bio
Prof. Victor Chang is a Professor of Business Analytics at Operations and Information Management, Aston Business School, Aston University, UK, since mid-May 2022. He was previously a Full Professor of Data Science and Information Systems at the School of Computing, Engineering and Digital Technologies, Teesside University, UK, since September 2019. He was previously a Senior Associate Professor, Director of Ph.D. and Director of MRes at International Business School Suzhou, Xi’an Jiaotong-Liverpool University, China. He was also a very active contributing key member at the Research Institute of Big Data Analytics, XJTLU. Before that, he worked as a Senior Lecturer at Leeds Beckett University, UK. Within 4 years, Prof Chang completed Ph.D. (CS, Southampton) and PGCe rt (Higher Education, Fellow, Greenwich) while working for several projects at the same time. Before becoming an academic, he has achieved 97% on average in 27 IT certifications. He won 2001 full Scholarship, a European Award on Cloud Migration in 2011, IEEE Outstanding Service Award in 2015, best papers in 2012, 2015 and 2018, the 2016 European award: Best Project in Research, 2016-2018 SEID Excellent Scholar, Suzhou, China, Outstanding Young Scientist award in 2017, 2017 special award on Data Science, 2017-2022 INSTICC Service Awards, Talent Award Suzhou 2019, Top 2% Scientist 2019-2022, Highly Cited Researcher 2021, Outstanding Reviewer of several Elsevier journals 2018-2019 and Outstanding Editor of FGCS (stepped down). He is the Associate Editor of IEEE TII, JGIM, Expert Systems and IJBSR and an Editor of Information Fusion, Scientific Report and IDD journals. He is the Editor-in-Chief of IJOCI and OJBD journals, and holds important or lead guest editor roles in several prestigious journals. Prof Chang was involved in different projects worth more than £14 million in Europe and Asia. He has published 3 books as sole author and the editor of 2 books on Cloud Computing and related technologies. He gave 48 keynotes at international conferences. He is widely regarded as one of the most active and influential young scientists and experts in IoT/Data Science/Cloud/Security/AI/IS, as he has the experience to develop 10 different services for multiple disciplines. He is the founding conference chair for IoTBDS, COMPLEXIS and FEMIB to build up and foster active research communities globally with positive impacts.
Jia-Chun Lin
Norwegian University of Science and Technology
Brief Bio
Jia-Chun Lin is currently an Associate Professor in the Department of Information Security and Communication Technology at NTNU. She previously held the position of Assistant Prof. at the same department from March 2019 to March 2022. Prior to that, she was a postdoctoral researcher in the Department of Informatics at University of Oslo from June 2015 to March 2019. She received her PhD degree from National Chiao Tung University (NCTU), Taiwan, in 2015, and her master's degree from Tunghai University, Taiwan, in 2005. Her research areas include time series analysis, anomaly detection, IoT, security, privacy, machine learning, deep learning, cloud computing, and parallel & distributed computing. She has around 18 years of experience working on research projects and played a leading and coordinating role in many of them. She is currently the leader of Work Package 3 of NORCICS (Norwegian Centre for Cybersecurity in Critical Sectors).


Sokratis Katsikas
Department of Information Security and Communication Technology, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Gjøvik


We are excited to announce a specialized workshop aimed at fostering collaboration for upcoming EU research projects, particularly focusing on mitigating new threats and adapting investigation strategies in the era of the Internet of Things. This workshop is an excellent opportunity for researchers, academics, and professionals interested in EU funding calls to network, brainstorm, and form consortia.

Agenda Highlights:
- Overview of EU open calls and detailed discussion on the specific call related to IoT, Big data, and Security
- Participant introductions to share expertise and interests.
- Facilitated discussion on potential collaboration and project formation.

Participation Requirements
Each participant is encouraged to submit 1-2 pages detailing their brief CV and outlining the projects or consortiums they are interested in joining or developing. This will aid in the networking and collaborative aspects of the workshop. Please prepare a brief introduction of yourself, including your expertise and your interest in the EU research calls, to share with other participants.

Why You Should Attend
- Connect with potential project partners and form consortia.
- Gain a comprehensive understanding of specific EU open calls.
- Share and receive feedback on project ideas in a supportive environment.

We look forward to your participation in making this workshop a cornerstone for future successful EU project applications.


Abstract Participation Submission: March 12, 2024
Authors Notification: March 15, 2024
Camera Ready and Registration: March 22, 2024


You are invited to submit your participation (1-2 pages detailing your brief CV and outlining any projects or consortiums you are interested in joining or developing). It must be submitted electronically via the web-based submission system using the appropriated button on this page.


FEMIB Workshops - cweurp 2024